Make Way For This Versatile, All-Purpose Shredded Chicken!

As a mom, I always plan meals in advance. In that way, I will not be caught off guard by sudden events that will push me to make something not so healthy for my family. But sometimes, it’s really inevitable that something will come up. So even when you have your meals planned, you can’t help but deviate away from them and cook something else. This is where freezer meals come into the picture.

Freezer meals are prepared in advance, making life more convenient for you. All you have to do is cook them when you need them and you’re all set. I do this particularly during a hectic week and it works well for us.

Just like this all-purpose slow cooker chicken recipe. That name clearly defines it: it’s all-purpose. You can use this for any dish you want, and how convenient is that?

The best thing about this recipe is that it’s cooked in a slow cooker. You can perform other tasks and responsibilities while the chicken is cooking all by itself. Slow cookers are really miracle workers, aren’t they?

You can freeze this shredded chicken in portions and just take them out whenever you need them. Sounds good? Definitely!

So if you want a copy of this recipe, don’t hesitate to go over to the next page. This is an easy one, I tell ya!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Mountain Mama Cooks.


Quick Tip: You can use this recipe for soups, stews, quesadillas and quick sandwiches.