You Aren’t Going To Eat A Better Cinnamon Roll Than This!

Our church was hosting a bake sale to raise some money for the kids to go on their summer camp trip. They always had a blast at the location they went to. I went to the same place when I was a kid and I have such fond memories. I was going to do what I could to help them raise the money they needed to go. Not because I wanted them to be able to, but because I had kids that were going to and I couldn’t afford to pay the full price! Okay, well maybe it was for both of those reasons, but I am pretty cheap.

I wasn’t going to cheap out and make cookies or brownies that could be sold for a quarter. I was going for the money maker this year. I did some research and found this recipe for the ultimate cinnamon rolls. Now I could put a nice price sticker on those bad boys.

It took a bit of effort, but I made a few dozen of these and they sold like hot cakes. The kids made all kinds of money and they all went off and enjoyed their week at summer camp. The stories that they brought were complete nostalgia for me.


Recipe and photo courtesy of Life In The Lofthouse.



Quick Tip: Enjoy with or without the icing.