A Dessert That Is Salty And Sweet? You Are Going To Love These!

One of my favorite things to bake is a chocolate chip cookie.  I think I have shared in the past how much of a cookie girl I am and how my husband, although he does not dislike cookies, prefers brownies.  It is something that we disagree on, but have learned to find a compromise with it all.  We now make cookies in the shape of a brownie, or brownies in the shape of cookies.  Both are equally fun and exciting to bake and enjoy.


Well, since everyone knows my husband’s and my dilemma on this little topic, friends and family are always sharing new recipes that combine both.  Just last week, my sister shared this recipe with me.  Not only did she share the recipe, but she actually made them, came over my house and we had a yummy cup of hot chocolate (with loads of whipped cream and marshmallows of course!) and then shared a plate of these delicious treats.  Altogether, they are gooey, chewy and everything you want in a brownie or cookie, but they are so much more.  They are full of flavor and have such a great texture, there is nothing better than this!

Photo and recipe courtesy of A Spicy Perspective.




Quick Tip: Drizzle these with both chocolate and caramel sauce


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