I’ve Had Beef Enchiladas Before… But Never Like This!

If there’s one thing that I can never get enough of, it’s dips. I love dipping anything and everything I can. I could eat dips for my main meals I think. The flavors are always so good, it’s hard to stop eating them once you start. This beef enchilada dip falls right into that category. The first time I saw this, I had to blink my eyes a few times to make sure I was reading things right. Beef enchiladas in a dip? What the? I simply had to make it as soon as I could.

I make traditional beef enchiladas a few times a month at my house, so I already had most of these ingredients. What I didn’t have I grabbed at the supermarket the next time I went,  and it wasn’t much. We actually had this for dinner one night when it was just me and my husband that were home.

I’m not always hungry enough to make an entire meal. Thankfully, there are times that the hubby is on the same page with me and we just settle for a snack or appetizer for a meal instead of all the meat and potatoes. This was perfect for just such occasion.

Recipe courtesy of Spend With Pennies. Photo credits go to YouTube.




Quick Tip: Add in corn, zucchini, or even red peppers.