How To Make Cheese Soup Like World-Class Chefs Do

I love soup.  I know, you probably think I say that about everything.  Well, I mean there is some truth to the fact that I love food in general.  I love anything that I can get my hands on, and better yet, anything I can make my own by switching it up a little.  I know, I know why must I always challenge and change food? Well, it is fun and there is nothing quite more exciting than a good challenge, even if I am just playing against myself!

Well anyway, I really do love soup and my husband and I have it almost nightly in our home.  We are always looking for new recipes to switch it up so we do not get bored, and sometimes I actually want to take out my big stew pot and make a soup instead of letting the crock pot do it for me!

Well, it was on one of those days that this soup came about.  I wanted to make broccoli cheddar soup, but when it became time to pour in the broccoli, I noticed I did not have any.  I panicked for half a minute and then figured this could be just as good without it…and it was!

Photo and recipe courtesy of A Dish of Daily Life.



Quick Tip: Top with any of your favorite toppings.