Grandma Spoke And We Listened When She Told Us The Recipe For Brownie Layer Cake With Chocolate Chip Frosting

brownie layer cake cookie dough frosting

Brownie layer cake with chocolate chip cookie dough frosting deserves a standing ovation… after you eat it, of course.

When it comes to indulging in sweet treats and forbidden dessert pleasures (I’m on a diet) this cake is the way to go. How can you resist digging your fork into this one-of-a-kind brownie layer cake with chocolate chip cookie dough frosting? The glutton in me would rather stick my face directly into the cake and eat my way out but that wouldn’t be very ladylike haha! I’m so glad I found this delicious recipe on YouTube!

Gemma Stone is the brains behind this brownie layer cake with chocolate chip frosting. She gives us a step-by-step account on how to make it over on her YouTube channel. Thanks, Gemma!

Are you excited to learn how to make this one-of-a-kind dish? Your wait is coming to a close. Flip on over to the next page for a complete list of ingredients, and instructions.

Recipe and image courtesy of Gemma Stafford and YouTube.


Quick Tip: You can use either baguettes or croutons in this recipe. I prefer croutons.