Beef Tips And Mushroom Skillet Meal – It’s EASY To Make And Tastes WONDERFUL!

When we were kids, we had this “Guess the pie” mini contest during dinners.

Whenever we have a get-together with my aunts and their families, my aunts and my mother were the ones who always took care of food for the whole afternoon. Every dinner, after the main course, they would be serving mystery pie desserts. We had to guess what type of pie it was, and the first one who was able to guess correctly gets the first and biggest slice of his or her chosen pie. I sucked at this game so I always ended up having one of the thinner and last slices, but it was a good memory nevertheless.

We always find ourselves guessing whenever we go to parties that are not our families. These parties will have different food offerings and some will always be unfamiliar to us so we had to take a shot and try them. I have been a victim of super spicy food, sweet and sour (which I don’t like), and something else that was disguised as meat, but wasn’t really meat.

When I came across this recipe, I was intrigued by the mystery of it. While I am not surprised about what it really is; I am surprised by the way it tastes. It tastes so good that the element of the “shock” isn’t really lost.   




Quick Tip:  Serve over noodles, rice, or slices of garlic bread.