Yuck it Up Over Yam Casserole This Thanksgiving

I grew up eating yams, so this yummy streusel yam casserole is a winner dish for me. 

When I first came across this recipe, I was a bit hesitant to list it down. I am not sure whether my family or my friends will love this. But I knew I had to try because how else will I find out? One weekend afternoon, I served this to my family as a snack. To my surprise, they all loved it! My husband isn’t too fond of yams, but this one is under his favorites list. After than afternoon, I knew I could make this for my friends.

The combination of flavors in this yummy streusel yam casserole is unbelievable. It’s a simple dish too, but it will really become a hit. I already served this to a couple of my friends who came to visit. They finished half of the casserole dish and even asked for the recipe from me.

This is brought to us by Facebook. They have other home-cooked meals that can be perfect for your families. Please do visit their site if you have the time. But for now, if you want a copy of the recipe, head on over to the next page!




Quick Tip: For a caramelized topping, once golden brown, turn oven to Broil and watch closely, the top will caramelize in minutes. Once out of the oven it will set creating a sweet crunchy topping while cooling.