I am part of a women’s bowling league, and have been for nearly twenty years. We bowl starting in the fall, all through the winter, and then wrap things up in the spring. Part of the final days includes a potluck dinner where everyone comes and brings a dish to pass. Then, we go over the awards and prizes that have been earned throughout the season. It’s something I look forward to very much, both the bowling and the dinner. There are always all kinds of yummy dishes brought in by the rest of the ladies, and we really have a lot of fun.
A few years ago, we learned it best to sign up for different things before the night of the event, just so that we don’t end up with all kinds of repeats. One year we had four different tuna macaroni salads. Each was good I’m sure, but nobody ate all four kinds meaning their were plenty of leftovers going home.
This past year, I signed up for a dessert. I usually don’t do desserts, but I saw this recipe on NeighborFood and wanted to give it a shot. I’m glad I did. Let’s just say that it was a huge crowd pleaser!
Recipe courtesy of NeighborFood. Photo credits go to The Pasty Chef’s Baking.
Quick Tip: Fresh out of the oven is best, so pop leftovers in the microwave for a few seconds to get that flavor back.