Chase Away The Cold Day Blues With This Wholesome Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole

Unfortunately, the respiratory flu has made its way into my household. My oldest child seems to have caught the bug pretty severely. In fact, I’m taking her to the doctor’s this morning. I am proud to report that the rest of us have not caught the evil flu bug and I attribute that success to elderberry syrup. Yep. No flu shots are handed out in this house just good old natural elderberry syrup that I make myself. You may be wondering why the girl child is sick with the flu. Well, folks, she is too cool to take the syrup. I bet my little darling is regretting that

You may be wondering why the girl child is sick with the flu. Well, folks, she is too cool to take the syrup. I bet my little darling is regretting that dession now! Oh well, I still love her and I’ll be taking care of her accordingly. Tonight for supper I’ll be making this delicious chicken noodle soup casserole. I’m sure it’ll soothe my poor flu-stricken child’s spirit and body. Enjoy!

We all know that chicken noodle soup is the gold standard food for nursing a cold. It’s such a nice gesture to bring soup to a sick friend, but transporting a half gallon of broth (especially if it’s still hot!) without spilling it all over you car is definitely a challenge. Along those lines, have you ever tried bringing soup to a potluck? Not only is it hard to get it there, you have to have bowls and spoons, which can wreck a perfectly good food line setup.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Recipe Lion and Yesterday’s Dinner.



Quick Tip: This recipe is very easy to double or triple when feeding a large crowd.