Start Your Weekend Right With This Chewy Hot Chocolate Fudge!

I baked these chewy and moist hot chocolate fudge last Friday night for my family’s weekly movie marathon. Every Friday, I make sure to finish my work early so I can make something extra aside from the usual supper. My husband also tries to go home early so that we can all start our weekend early. Most of the time, I prepare a dessert treat that I serve during our pre-weekend bonding. Sometimes it’s cookies, sometimes it’s brownies, and sometimes it’s rice crispies. Every Friday, the four of us watch a movie in the living room. It’s our form of strengthening family ties and it’s the official start of weekend. We even allow our kids to stay up late, at least until after the second movie.

These hot chocolate fudge recipe by Wonky Wonderful was an instant hit to my family. In the middle of watching The Pacifier, they were able to finish the plate of hot chocolate fudge that I served them. My husband loved his with strong black coffee while my twins loved them with their milk. When the twins fell asleep after the first movie, I served a couple of pieces more for my husband, which he easily devoured. I still don’t get it where he puts all those food! Anyway, if you want a copy of this hot chocolate fudge, please flip over to the next page. You can find the list of ingredients and instructions in there. Enjoy!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Wonky Wonderful.


Quick Tip: You can substitute semi-sweet chocolate for the dark chocolate.