Check out what our friends over at Easy Peasy Pleasy had to say about the simplicity of this recipe:
“My longtime girl friend, Miss Kenna Jane, brought these Ooey Gooey Pecan Cheesecake Bars to a work potluck many years ago. With one bite, I was hooked. I just had to have the recipe. I actually still have the piece of paper with her half written directions in my recipe book. There may have been a few times in the beginning, that I had to ask her what she meant for me to do when I would read the recipe. That’s because she wrote the recipe down from memory. That girl can cook!”
The recipe is really simple and I no longer have to ask for clarification. After making this recipe a few times, you don’t even need to look at it anymore. That’s how easy these bars are to whip up.
1 box Betty Crocker yellow cake mix
1 stick of Land O’ Lakes butter, melted
2 Eggland’s Best eggs
1 package Philadelphia cream cheese, softened
1 pound box Domino powdered sugar, divided
Planter’s pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
Quick Tip: Use whipped cream cheese for fluffier cheesecake.
Thank you to Easy Peasy Pleasy for this awesome recipe!
where are the directions on putting all this together??? ~ does the bottom layer need to be cooked at all ~ what gives???
The bottom layer has to be cooked because it has a raw egg in it.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
I have a similar recipe but the cream cheese mixture has 2 eggs. I put the nuts and remaining powdered sugar on after it’s baked. Mine’s called Danish Cheesecake. Good with lemon cake mix too
I have made this many times and it should all be baked at one time…you can also change up the flavors of cake mix…..first saw this on Paula Deen’s old cooking show
This does not help none.. How much butter how much cream cheese how much powder sugar how long do you bake .. my god do the directions right.. Are you dumb or what.. You repeat the same shit over and over ..
Wow Roxanne! You are extremely rude. How is it that you cannot follow the recipe listed above? It gives step by step directions and measurements for all ingredients. Then to call someone dumb is an absolute horrible thing to say. It really reflects your character. There is nothing wrong with this recipe or directions. There is, however, something obviously flawed with you. I hope your comment is deleted, as it is not only erroneous, but it is verbally abusive as well.
Wow! The nice lady who gave the recipe stayed professional. I don’t feel the same need. You’re a rude bully beatch and SHOULD have your ass called out.
You want precise measurements? Do your own Google searches. Here’s one to start you off. (Are you dumb or what? )
Thanks, Pyxye 🙂
Roxanne Thomas…. apparently you don’t know how to read… ALL of the measurements are listed…..
There is a recipe if you follow the link
1 box Betty Crocker yellow cake mix
1 stick of Land O’ Lakes butter, melted
2 Eggland’s Best eggs
1 package Philadelphia cream cheese, softened
1 box Domino powdered sugar, divided
Planter’s pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting. I would say 350 oven if you’re a cook, you will be able to follow your instincts. Pecans would be to taste
You must not know how to read or follow instructions. Your the dumb one
Where is the recipe for the pictured dessert? The pictured dessert is not the ooey gooey pecan cheesecake. Please get me the recipe. Thank you
What is the name of the dessert?
Ooey Gooey Pecan Cheesecake
(Typewritten near the top of the page just before the ingredients)
Sounds good doesn’t it?
Where were the directions?????p
Click Red Link. This recipe calls for a whole box of confectionery sugar. ???? They are nuts .
How much is in a box how many ounces ,our powdered sugar cookies enjoy on bag,small and large sizes
Sorry come in bags
There are 16 ounces in a box of powdered sugar.
How much is in a box how many ounces ,our powdered come in bag, small and large sizes
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
Where are the instructions? Could only find ingredients.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
Took down a few receipes,which I will make sometimes!!
I found the ingredients, but not the directions for putting this recipe together. I hate it when I have to spend a lot of time trying to get the instructions. After a while I just give up on the recipe and move on. Why put it on the internet if you can’t give the instructions.
The instructions are there, follow the directions and learn to navigate the internet…
Bless you.
ont peut tu avoir les recettes en francais SVP
You can Google translate. SVP This is the best I can do. Per Google
Vous pouvez traduire Google.
Préchauffez le four à 350 degrés. Mélangez le mélange de gâteau, le beurre fondu et 1 oeuf jusqu’à ce qu’il forme dans la pâte. Appuyez sur le mélange de pâte dans un plat de cuisson 9 x 13. À l’aide d’un mélangeur, mélanger le fromage à la crème et l’oeuf restant jusqu’à consistance lisse. Lentement et en lots, mélanger 3/4 de la boîte de sucre en poudre. Versez le mélange de fromage à la crème sur la pâte de gâteau uniformément jusqu’à ce qu’il soit complètement recouvert. Saupoudrez les noix de pécan et le sucre en poudre sur le dessus. Cuire au four pendant 25 à 30 minutes. Laisser refroidir avant de couper.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
what kind of instructions are these doesn’t mention how to put it together
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
It does give these directions…just follow the link…this is how I found it!
How many cups is a box of powdered sugar and how much is on stick of butter? I buy my icing sugar in a bag and my butter in a pound rectangle!
A stick of butter is 1/4 (one-fourth) pound, which is also half a cup.
How do I access the directions to this recipe?
The dessert looks yummy and worth trying out, but Why do they ruin these food sites with gross disgusting ads that have nothing to do with the foods shown? like the ugly little brown spiky looking things in the upper left corner(flush the bloat). That type of stuff and other gross stuff they put on some of these food sites just ruin it for me. All those great looking dishes and then THAT! I’m sure there are more appropriate ads that could be used.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
It does give these directions…just follow the link…this is how I found it!
? ? ? ?? ??
Lol Just like the refrain in a beautiful song!!!! Just keep singing it! Great recipe, especially when you hit the red continue tab (link) and follow the directions! Usually a box of powdered sugar is a pound…….so 3/4 of a box is 12 oz. if a bag is 12 oz you won’t have any left for the top…………or you will use a bit less in the cream cheese part.
The instructions for this recipe has been in the COMMENT many times. If you check back in this section you will see it.
I agree that it’s to bad that those nasty ads have to be on the page. Without these irritating ads the site wouldn’t be there. ☹️ The ads pay for the recipe and comment section.
Where’s the directions for this list of ingredients!????
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
It does give these directions…just follow the link…this is how I found it!
Sounds great would like to make it but it didn’t tell me what to do. Do I bake it?
it would be nice to be able to get the directions for the pecan cheese cake bars.
I have looked for the directions and can not find them can you email them to me please
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
It does give these directions…just follow the link…this is how I found it!
No directions what to do the first time so I can remember the next time. Please tell what you do here.
Where are the instructions for this recipe?
1 box yellow cake mix
1 stick of butter, melted
2 eggs
1 package cream cheese, softened
1 box powdered sugar, divided
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting. Eat and Enjoy!
1 box powdered sugar, divided is equal to how many cups of powdered sugar? I don’t buy mine in “boxes”.
Purple Bar that you click on for the full recipe. I missed it the first time too.
Anna you have to go to the next page
Click where it says “next page”
Click on the word Button..I was wondering myself!!
Where is the recipes
I had a hard time finding it too! A little way Day on the left is a purple label that says click here for full recipe.
There was a purple ribbon to click for full recipe ?
If you hit the red word “down” just above the red words “next page” the recipe is on that page.
Yes please post instructions.
Scroll back up and there is a little skinny button to press. I missed it the first time. The recipe is not the picture in the first part of this whole page.
Scroll back up to a purple button that says: “click here for full recipe”.
Yes, where are the instructions and what three ingredients would one never think of adding to a dessert??
Where is the Directions? I would love to make it.
1 box Betty Crocker yellow cake mix
1 stick of Land O’ Lakes butter, melted
2 Eggland’s Best eggs
1 package Philadelphia cream cheese, softened
1 box Domino powdered sugar, divided
Planter’s pecans
So where are the directions for the above cheese cake dessert? There’s only ingredients.
need instructions for this recipe (Pecan cheesecake bars)
Under the ad in a purple (small) triangular box.
Did you ever find it? It took me a while. Almost gave up
Rectangular box. Sorry!
Go back up to the picture, then scroll down until you see:
Next Page » (Next Page) will be printed in red. Click on it, and you should be able to find the recipe.
How about the instructions?
Where are the instructions how to make this?
Directions are right under the ingredients. Right above where you see this: USE RED NEXT PAGE LINK BELOW
NEXT PAGE >> scroll up–directions are right there. 🙂
If you go to Next Page where the ingredients are listed, the instructions are right underneath.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
There is a link that says “next page”. It”s there.
Click where it says “thank you to (link->)easy peasy pleasey….”
Click on the spot where it says next page in red letters.
on pagge 2 had you actually read this .. you would have seen that.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
You have to tap on the words next page.
Hi, Anna! If you scroll down a bit from the start of the article, you’ll see “Next Page” in red — click there and it will take you to the instructions. 🙂
Anna, under the article above you’ll see a red link that says ‘next page.’ and it’s on the next page. It’s under the Google Chrome ad and before all the pictures.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg until it forms into dough. Press the dough mixture into a 9×13 baking dish. Using a mixer, combine the cream cheese and remaining egg until smooth. Slowly and in batches, mix in 3/4 of the box of powdered sugar. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the cake dough evenly until completely covered. Sprinkle the pecans and powdered sugar over the top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.
It does give these directions…just follow the link…this is how I found it!
I’m wondering the same thing…
Instructions please
yes, thats my question too!!!!
Love cheese cake
I can’t find them either-
Where is the instructions please. 3 ingredients
How do u make this, looks delicious
You have a wonderful ‘PRINT’ option with your recipes. Please include a photo of the end result. It is so nice to know what your recipe should look like.
Love to try this recipe, but no instructions makes it kind of hard????????????????
There are a lot of these recipes that do this. I don’t understand why you always have to download their cites. I refuse to download any thing any more. You never know what you will get. They try to trick you.
We never require you to download anything, nor do we ever try to “trick” you. have a blessed day!
No directions. No amount of pecans listed. I will try cooking at 350 for 20 min. and using 1/2 c. pecans for the top.
Also no name was given for this recipe.
thank You Anna, I was looking for them also????
Yes, I need the directions!!!!
Where are the directions for this recipe?
How do you put it together?????
Yes,where are instructions? Really old lke to make this.
Love the recipes
Could you please give me the recipes to my email address. I would like to try them
What size cream cheese? 3 oz or 8 oz?
How much is a box of power sugar in cups
Do you use the 8 ounce package of cream cheese, or the smaller package? For the sake of people who live elsewhere and don’t have Domino brand powdered sugar, you should state that it comes in a 16 ounce ( 1 pound) box.
What size package of cream cheese??
Recipe calls for 1 pkg cream cheese–small size or 8oz size???? Mix 1/4 of cowdered sugar with the pecans for the topping?
what is the measurement of “half a box”?
how many ounces is one box of powered sugar we don’t have our powered sugar in a box ?
16 oz. – 3 & 3/4 cups
Can these recipes be put in a format that is easy to print instead of getting 6 pages of wasted paper to just get the recipe, please?
What size cream cheese? I saw that a few asked that question;but there was not an answer.
i cannot believe you all. how many times has the recipe been written for you brain dead idiots? including the original recipe directions…maybe 50????
Read the directions posted here in comments about 400 times! DUH!
Betty has the patience of a saint. She has posted the ingredients and the instructions many, many times in this thread. I would have given up after the first few times. Way to go Betty!
1 box Betty Crocker yellow cake mix
1 stick of Land O’ Lakes butter, melted
2 Eggland’s Best eggs
1 package Philadelphia cream cheese, softened
1 box Domino powdered sugar, divided
Planter’s pecans
All these ppl posting comments about directions, click the next button, and bam there are the directions, it’s magic! lol?
I would love to make this recipe, however as many other people have asked the same questions over and over again, it would be nice to see the recipe posted in cups or ozs., or in the metric system, so that we know the quantities required other than boxes or packages. The recipe does not specify what size cream cheese to use, how much powdered sugar or quantity for the pecans.
I had no difficulty in finding the instructions, just would like to see clear quantities so that we can enjoy what looks to be a very tasty dessert.
Never have I seen so many rude, unnecessary comments. Do you people just sit in wait to pounce so you can “share” your nastiness? You must not have much of a life. Either like and provide a positive comment or legitimate question or move on. No one cares to see you showing the world how rude/ignorant you are. This person works hard to provide you with something you may potentially enjoy (and the ads make the site available) and all you do is complain because you have to take the time to read, or maybe click. Get over yourself.