A Meatloaf That Will Knock Your Socks Off!


My teenage son recently went through a growing spurt, which meant for me that I was cooking up a storm. He was cleaning me out of house and home! I don’t mind! I love feeding a growing boy, but it was hard to keep up. He really wanted bacon almost every single day. He would request for me to make bacon with dinner almost every night! I mean I like bacon, but a side of bacon for dinner?

Well, I started to get a little creative. I mean you have to be creative with your cooking when it comes to kids anyways. So, I did just that. I told him that we were having meatloaf one night and he looked at me with a shock an asked about the bacon. I said don’t worry I will make sure you get what you need! He should trust me I am his mother after all!

When I brought this bacon wrapped meatloaf to the table I thought his eyes were going to pop out of this skull! He probably ate have of that entire meatloaf!

Since then he has let up on the bacon cravings, but he still asks me to make this bacon wrapped meatloaf. Which he likes to call the best meatloaf that he has ever had! Give this recipe a try and you will see.

Recipe and photo credit courtesy of Meatloaf Recipe 2014.


Quick Tip: Make your favorite gravy to pour over the meat.