“Salty And Sweet” Is The Name Of The Game For These Caramel Cupcakes!

I was invited over to a party at one of my neighbor’s houses. It was a simple tea party that Susie holds every month as a form of unity among the neighbors. She always served the best tea and the best coffee. The perfect thing to bring to this type of gathering was of course handy desserts. Desserts that didn’t need utensils to be enjoyed. Nothing is handier than cupcakes. They already have their own containers, and you don’t need to use a plate for them.

Since some of my neighbors were older than me, they didn’t appreciate too much chocolate anymore. I remember that during the past two parties, the chocolate cakes and the chocolate cupcakes were only a hit to us younger generations. Yes, they ate pieces of the cake, but they were really little pieces.

I wanted them to enjoy what I was going to bring. So this time, I decided on salted caramel cupcakes. I wanted to use the usual recipe that I have gotten from my Mom; but since it takes a lot of time, I searched for another one.

And this recipe over at Cookies And Cups was what I found. I tried this for my family as a form of taste test, and they really loved it! My husband said that the caramel wasn’t too sweet; it’s just right for the taste of the cupcake.

It was a hit at the party too! I made about three dozens; and by the end of the party, there was about four or five pieces left. I even saw one sneaking a cupcake in his jacket.

That’s a story for another day though.

Photo and recipe courtesy of Cookies And Cups.


Quick Tip: You can forego the frosting if you like and just top it with vanilla ice cream.