Creamy Shrimp And Linguine: Dinner Is Going To Be Darn Good!

Thank goodness I’m not allergic to shrimp.

It would have been the worst thing that could have happened. There are so many delicious shrimp dishes and just imagine what I would have missed if I couldn’t eat even just a piece of this delicious seafood. I love Tempura and Ebi Furai! In every Japanese restaurant, we go to, I always order two; one order for my family or for a friend and one for me. I just couldn’t share. I love shrimp burgers too! There’s this fast food joint that serves the best shrimp burgers and I always order that one.

I love grilled shrimp too, friend shrimp called camaron, steamed shrimp, and even shrimp stew. But I love shrimp most in pasta. Mixed with cream and butter, it always turns a regular pasta into something extraordinary.

This recipe by Taste of Home uses the simplest sauce ingredients, but it’s still one of the best shrimp pasta recipes that I’ve ever encountered. Even my friends got addicted to it the first time they tried it. You would want to take a look at this recipe too. It’s a pasta dish you wouldn’t want your friends or family to miss. Go ahead and try to make this one for them!




Quick Tip:  Add mushrooms if you prefer; they taste good on cream-based pasta.