Better-Than-Wendy’s Chocolate Frosty – A Clever Copycat Recipe

I have a silly quirk when it comes to food.

I crave for hot soup when it’s summer and I always want to eat frozen ice cream during winter. It drives my friends crazy. It drives my boyfriend crazy. It drives my family crazy. I have the tendency to get what I want even if it’s in the middle of the night, and I’m not so sure if that’s a compliment to my silly self or not. There was this one time when I was watching a game show with a friend who was staying over because of the heavy snow when I saw an ad for a popular fast food frozen treat flashing on TV.

It was still early in the evening so the fast food was still open, but it was freezing outside. My friend knew that I had to have it or else I would note be in the best of moods the whole night; and who would want to talk to a friend who sulked?

So donned in our thickest winter clothes, my friend and I drove to the nearest branch just to get me my frozen treat. We braved the wind and the slippery road just for that. I did receive three messages that night, reprimanding me for my selfish actions. But oh it was so worth it!




Quick Tip: if you have extra, that whipped garnish longs for a drizzle of hot fudge.