Bake Up A Big “Ol Batch Of This Breakfast Croissant Casserole

This croissant breakfast sandwich casserole became an instant favorite in our family reunion. 

The first time I tasted this, I knew I had to make it for my family. And guess what? Yes, it’s a hit as always! It was my cousin Joanna who made this casserole dish. She was the one in charge for snacks and since there were so many of us, she thought of this. Aunt Beth’s fridge and cupboard were always stocked with a lot of ingredients so it wasn’t a mystery that she was able to find all of these ingredients in there. Not that they’re hard to find in the first place.

It was so good that even the adults flocked towards it. Joanna had to make another so everyone would get to have a piece. I had to help her and we made two more just to be sure. Those two more were finished in minutes!

My husband fell in love with it so he asked me to make this for breakfast. It was one hearty breakfast that my family enjoyed that morning. I didn’t even have to worry about the leftovers because my husband packed them for his lunch.

If you want a copy of this simple but amazing croissant breakfast sandwich casserole, then please head over to the next page! Enjoy making this for your family!




Quick Tip: You can use any type of cheese for this recipe.