Allow Butter Pecan Cake To Tickle Your Taste Buds

I was at a friend’s house a few days ago to discuss plans regarding her wedding. I was one of the chosen people who would organize the wedding for her.

She wanted a personal touch on everything and the only answer she could come up with was to ask her friends to do it. There were about five of us in there. We had a bit of a fun time talking about how we wanted her wedding to happen and how we wanted everything in place. We also had a bit of a hearty conversation that involved our future and our family’s future.

Weddings do make you sentimental, don’t they? They usually take turn in making you reflect about things in life. And when you’re with friends, talks just always turned more serious.

My friend served this amazing butter pecan cake while were finalizing things about the wedding. When I saw the cake, I immediately asked her, “why is this a bit brownish?” She simply shrugged and said, “I just wanted some color into the white frosting so I put in some.”

I wasn’t sure if she’s talking about life, but with that metaphor, she might have been. Anyway, her butter pecan cake really tasted great even though it has an unusual color! If you want a copy of a really yummy butter pecan cake recipe, flip over to the next page!




Quick Tip: You can use cream cheese frosting for this if you prefer it.