No Need To Dirty Your Hands With This No-Knead Bread Recipe

One of my favorite things to eat is bread. 

For real, I know it is totally unhealthy, but I have bread at least once with every meal.  And most of the times, only bread IS my main meal (for breakfast at least!).  I love chewy, soft bread that falls apart and I love crusty bread that is completely crunchy.  I believe each type of bread has a different role in what I am going to eat.

For example, a soft bread with barely any crust is perfect for a grilled toast in the morning.  It is soft and airy and delicious for breakfast.  If I am serving an appetizer platter of fine cheeses and ham, I like a hard, crusty bread that has a great crunch.  That is the perfect combination for me and I can eat that as a meal in and of itself. Now I have found the perfect recipe to turn into that crusty bread.  This recipe is for a crispy bread that is baked in a Dutch oven.  You do not need to knead it and it still turns out perfectly.  It rises and everything tastes beautiful as bread ought to.  This is going to be a hit at your dinner table!





Quick Tip: Serve with a side of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.