Raise Your Glass To High Hat Chocolate Cupcakes

Every time my niece visits me, I always make sure she receives a treat.

I am not spoiling her (her parents will kill me), but I want him to always feel right at home in my house since she spends most of her time in there most especially if her parents each have their own cases to handle. My best friend recommended this cupcake recipe to me when I called her one day, whining about how I wasn’t a good aunt because I didn’t know how to make my niece happy. We both knew I was being dramatic, but she helped me nevertheless because well, she’s my best friend. She also suggested that I should make them with my niece so that she would feel “important”. So I did! The last time she visited me, we made these adorable cupcakes.

We both knew I was being dramatic, but she helped me nevertheless because well, she’s my best friend. She also suggested that I should make them with my niece so that she would feel “important”. So I did! The last time she visited me, we made these adorable cupcakes.

While making them, she told me they looked like tiny mushroom warriors. I told them they looked like ice cream! We were bickering until my boyfriend went into the kitchen to snatch one and both told us that it looked like one of the mushroom things in the Super Mario game.

Come to think of it, they did look like those mushroom things that Mario always jumped into. But I am telling you right now that they don’t taste like mushrooms! They taste like heaven!




Quick Tip: Serve with coffee or tea.