Lavender Lemon Sable Cookies And Perfect For Unexpected Visitors

After my friend discovered how much I love her cookies, she sent me these lavender lemon sable cookies in a pretty blue tin can that housed about fifty or so of these cookies. At first, I didn’t want to eat them yet because well, they looked pretty in that tin can. I wasn’t sure how she managed to assemble them inside without the glaze rubbing off of each other, but they were lined up so well inside that I felt like I would destroy the design if I picked one.

Erm… it wasn’t me who actually started it. It was one of my friend’s sons. She visited me to catch up for a while and I really didn’t have anything to put together in the house.

I remembered I had these and served these to them straight from the tin can. I was kind of praying they wouldn’t want to eat, but well, they couldn’t say no to the delicious cookies. I almost cringed when I saw her son dip his hand inside and picked up a couple with the glaze grazing his hand.

The three of us, including my sons, ended up devouring the entire can because the cookies were truly amazing. Well, just like they say, if you couldn’t stop them, join them!

Photo and recipe courtesy of the Food For My Family.


Quick Tip: These cookies are perfect for gifts. Just make sure you place them carefully in your chosen containers.