This Broccoli Cheese Soup Will Show You How REAL Comfort Food Tastes

Soups are always our form of comfort food. A hearty soup to end the day is one way of making our days end perfectly. Ask my husband and he will agree wholeheartedly. Busy weeks are inevitable most especially during the peak seasons. And during those days, my husband rarely came home with a relaxed smile on his face. Usually, all he could offer was a tired smile, and that’s just because he wanted to give his family something nice.


During these weeks, the best way I can help him is to make sure he has something nice to eat when he comes home. Something not heavy because after eating, he usually falls asleep immediately. It’s not healthy to sleep with a full stomach.


I usually prepare soup. He loves soup because it relaxes him and makes him feel warm all over. It’s also light on the stomach even if I prepare a rich soup.


This broccoli cheese soup recipe is perfect for that. He appreciates the smooth feel of the soup on his throat and the broccoli bits that somehow assure him that he is eating healthy. He usually has another bowl after the first one, but I make sure he eats just enough.


This is also a favorite of my sons. They love the cheesy taste. And that’s always what’s important to me.


You can find a copy of this recipe on the next page. Enjoy!


Photo and recipe courtesy of All Recipes.




Quick Tip: You can throw in some cubed potatoes or carrots, if you want. This is versatile dish.