Boost Your Weekend Family Bonding With This Beefy Pumpkin Noodle Bake!

This beefy pumpkin noodle bake recipe is the perfect thing to prepare for your family during a relaxing weekend. Every weekend, I really want to devote all of my attention to my family since during weekdays, even though I want to, my mind is focused on other things to. But weekends, my family will always have my undivided attention if I can help it. I want to make sure that I play with my twins the whole day if I can. Hang out with my husband while the kids are taking their afternoon nap. Drink coffee or tea with him and have that couple conversation that does not involve anything about work or bills. I really want my weekends to be for my family and I want nothing but to make it the best for them too.

One way of showing that is to cook something that they will all enjoy eating; and this is where this beefy pumpkin noodle bake comes to the picture. My own mother has a version of this and I remember eating it a lot when I was a kid. This dish is nutritious because of the pumpkin, but at the same time it’s rich and flavorful because of the beef. Since my family loves anything with meat on it, they surely love this one a lot. It’s also quite easier to prepare than some meals. You can even serve this with your favorite wine, if you like. Red wine will taste good with this. You can try the recipe and experience the goodness of this mouthwatering dish on your own!

Recipe courtesy of Toot Sweet 4 Two. Image courtesy of Time For Supper.


Quick Tip: You can serve this with your favorite wine along with crusty bread and a side dish of salad.

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