Have A Change Of “Breakfast Heart” With These Hearty Breakfast Sweet Potatoes!

These breakfast sweet potatoes are the latest addition to my list of must-haves for breakfasts. I woke up one day to a good smell coming from the kitchen. Since I stayed up late last night, I didn’t feel very energetic that morning. I went to check the room of our boys first, the first thing I always do in the morning, before proceeding to check the kitchen. It’s not a surprise to see my husband cooking breakfast. Whenever he has extra time in the morning, meaning he does not need to go to work really early, he makes sure to cook for me and our kids. He says I need to rest too because being a mother is not a simple role (Awww!).

That morning, I seriously thought he was making some sort of potato frittata for breakfast or a breakfast casserole, which he is fond of making. However, that wasn’t the case. I was surprised to see sweet potatoes. We do have potatoes for breakfast, but most of the time it’s just an ingredient to a breakfast dish like casseroles or omelets. But that time, it was the main star of the breakfast table. You couldn’t hear any complaints from me though because I was too busy devouring my sweet potatoes which he dressed with my favorite ingredients plus sour cream. This recipe that I am about to show you reminds me of my husband’s sweet potatoes for breakfast. I hope you enjoy this rich goodness in the morning!

Photo and recipe courtesy of This Gal Cooks.


Quick Tip: If you bake your sweet potatoes the night before, breakfast will be ready in no time in.

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