Are You Ready To Give Some Of This Mexican Layer Dip A Try?

We were recently invited to a party over at a friend’s house. It was one of those, just so we can get together, kind of events. There was no rhyme or reason, and no formalities to worry about. I asked Megan if she wanted me to bring anything, and of course, she said no that she had everything covered. I can’t stand showing up to someone’s house without bringing something to share though. I decided that I would make up a dip, because you really can’t go wrong with dip!

I had seen this recipe for Mexican layer dip on The Pioneer Woman that I had been wanting to try anyways, so this was the perfect excuse. It almost didn’t make it to the party, I’ll tell you that much! It was so pretty, I had a hard time not diving right into it as soon as it was done.

Megan thanked and thanked me and kept talking about how she was afraid there was going to be too much food. There wasn’t though, this dip dish was empty when I left, and she didn’t have a ton of other leftovers either. I would say the whole thing was a success!

Recipe courtesy of The Pioneer Woman. Photo credits to Biscuits ‘n Crazy.




Quick Tip: Try with pepper jack cheese.