EAT PIZZA FOR BREAKFAST: A Public Service Announcement

My daughter was having her first high school prom last year. 

She and all of her girlfriends were so excited. They weren’t really dating anyone, in particular, so they decided to just go as a group…a perfect idea in my opinion. I was honored when my little girl asked me to go with her and all of her friends to shop for dresses and shoes. She said that she admired my taste and valued my opinion, and she didn’t want me to miss this special moment. There were a few other moms that went too, and it was a really fun day. When we were at home, later on, she asked if they could all have a sleepover at our house after the prom was over.

Another great idea I thought. I would get to hear all about how much fun they had, and I would be able to sleep knowing they were home safe. After they got home, they all went right upstairs to get comfortable and relax.

I decided that I wasn’t going to bother them, but I did want details in the morning. That’s why when I got up, I started whipping together some of these brunch pizzas.

As soon as the first one came out of the oven, the girls got a whiff and started heading down the stairs to eat.




Quick Tip: Replace ham with bacon or sausage.