Hit The Jackpot With This Super Easy Crockpot Meatball Recipe

What are good snacks during movie night? Homemade cookies is one; popcorn is another. You can also serve chicken nuggets, those tiny little poppers that are so handy to eat. Sometimes, you can also make potato wedges or potato nuggets- they taste best when you are enjoying them with a movie. In my family, anything that’s handy to eat while watching is considered a good movie snack. We tend to get carried away with some scenes from a movie. If the food is something in a bowl or in a plate, someone might accidentally topple it over.

This actually springs from experience. We used to enjoy movie night with anything that I can put together in minutes. Most of them were pasta dishes so there really is an involvement of plates.

Most of the time, the pasta ended up on the floor along with the plate. Even though I used the plastic ones for our movie nights, it’s still a hassle all the time. Instead of being able to enjoy the movie fully, I’ll be too busy cleaning up the mess.

Meatball subs are also perfect for movie nights. Yes, it might require a plate, but not because you will eat it on the plate itself. They are so much more convenient than some snacks you might be thinking right now.

There is a copy of a meatball subs recipe on the next page. I hope you enjoy this with your family.

Photo and recipe courtesy of Food.com.


Quick Tip: For more flavor: you can add some fennel seed, at least 2+ teaspoons, to the meat.