It’s The Easy Peach Slow Cooker Recipe That Will Make Everyone Sweet In A Snap!

Slow cooker recipes are my savior, and just recently, this peach slow cooker recipe saved me from my own doing. Weekdays are really a bit busy for me. I am juggling work, being a wife, and being a mother. Sometimes, I am even adding being a friend to the list when my friends call for advice or visit for advice. So even with all the dozen reminders I have in front of me, I still forget some things. Most of the time, the type of thing I forget is an occasion. For example, I am suddenly invited to a potluck by my friend. I will forget about the potluck and remember about it on the day itself. So most of the time, I am always looking for a recipe that will allow me to make and emergency dessert or food without a hassle.

This peach slow cooker recipe from Dine and Dish was the perfect solution to a recent predicament. One of my friends told me she would come for dinner. It’s been so long since I have last seen this friend so I agreed. I remembered about it the day itself. It’s a good thing it’s just morning and I was able to save myself from embarrassment by finding this recipe that I was able to immediately put together using my slow cooker. Come afternoon, I was ready with the most delicious yet simple dessert in my hands. And my friend loved it so I call it a success!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Dine And Dish.


Quick Tip: You can try mango for this recipe.