Hurry Up Or You’ll Never Get To Taste This Savory Chicken Curry!

I grew up learning the importance of sharing. Mom always made sure that my brother and I have equal parts in everything including the serving of a soup. Even the pieces of chicken on our plates, if it’s being served individually, had to be of the same size. It never mattered that I was older and he was younger- we were always equal in everything. Even when it came to chores, my brother and I exchanged duties so that we could experience what each other was doing. Sometimes I washed the dishes; sometimes I helped Dad wash the car.

I made sure to impart that same value to my sons now. My husband and I always showed them how important it is to share equally with each other. Whenever I give them something like a piece of cookie, I made sure they have equal half pieces each.

Why was I talking about sharing again-oh yes, it’s because of this chicken curry recipe. I tried making this just a couple of nights ago because my husband was craving for curry. He loved it so much that he almost finished the entire pot (am definitely not kidding!).

He totally got carried away because of the amazing taste of this curry recipe. I really can’t blame him though- this chicken curry recipe is as flavorful as the ones in restaurants. The ironic good thing about this- it’s cooked in the comforts of your own home.

Photo and recipe courtesy of The Lemon Bowl.


Quick Tip: If you don’t have sweet potatoes on hand, butternut squash would be a great substitute.