Our Favorite Scalloped Potatoes…They Aren’t Like Mom’s!

Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, birthdays, and summer BBQs meant one thing for our great big family. We were all getting together to enjoy some quality time. There is nothing quite like spending time with the ones you love. My Grandma, my mother’s mom, makes sure that we spend these precious moments together, so that we can be sure to have memories of being together when times are good, relaxing, and happy. So, that’s just what we do. At all of these events, there is going to be one thing going on for sure, and that’s lots of eating.

We are all fairly good cooks so whipping up a nice dish to pass isn’t a problem for most of us. Then, we all get to sample a little something different, and nobody is stuck doing all the cooking themselves.

When I saw these scalloped potatoes on The Recipe Rebel, I knew it was going to be my next passing dish. They were so easy to make and the flavor was really nice. It was unlike any scalloped potato that I had ever had.

This is how we make them now at  my house. That dill flavor is one that we can’t live without!

Recipe courtesy of The Recipe Rebel. Photo credits go to Food Flowers Herbs And Life.




Quick Tip: If you don’t like dill, you can use whatever herbs you do like.