A Simple Soy Sauce Chicken That Will Make Your Supper Extra Special

My family appreciates all the simple things in life. My husband and I grew up in families wherein we were taught to appreciate the simplest things. The simplest things in life are sometimes overlooked because they don’t have a huge impact. But when you think about it, a simple thing can change the flow of things. Our parents often told us that, which is why we never take things for granted.

We also teach our sons the same way. We want them to learn the value of appreciating everything that comes their way. We want them to grow up being thankful about the simplest things so that they will learn to take care of what they have.

Why am I talking about simplicity? Well, it’s because of this soy sauce chicken recipe that I got from Raspberri Cupcakes. It’s a simple recipe, but it will satisfy your hungry mouths and stomachs.

This is a favorite of my family because of its subtle yet amazing flavor. This recipe is good with rice and steamed vegetables. Whenever this is on the menu, the family rejoices.

A simple recipe that will make everyone happy- this is your go-to food. So if you want a copy of this savory chicken, please flip over to the next page. You can find the full list of ingredients and instructions in there.

Photo and recipe courtesy of Raspberri Cupcakes.


Quick Tip: Serve this with broccoli and rice.