Make Way For The Easiest Cinnamon Roll Cake Ever!

Inspiration always hits whenever you are randomly doing something. When I was a kid, our way of family bonding was staying in the living room and doing our own thing. My brother would be sprawled on his stomach, drawing something on his scratch paper. My Dad would be sleeping on his rocking chair. I would be curled up in a single sofa, reading a book. And my Mom would be sleeping on the couch. After a while, she would stand up and go straight to the kitchen.

It usually meant one thing- she suddenly wanted to make something. For us, it’s a good thing because it meant we would get to sample a sweet treat after she’s done making it. I would then follow her to the kitchen and volunteer my services.

This happens to me a lot now too, although with a very different case. Like for example, I will suddenly crave for something. Since I have bad cravings, I need to satisfy it as soon as possible.

I will abandon my work and proceed to the kitchen to gather all the ingredients and just make them. I would ignore everything, including time. The only ones I will never ignore are my sons; and they will usually watch me making the sweet treat in the kitchen.

This cinnamon roll cake reminded me of my cinnamon craving a few days ago. It wasn’t so bad though so I was able to wait until weekend to make this. So grab a copy of this recipe on the next page if you want to try this!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Cookies And Cups.


Quick Tip: You can put vanilla ice cream on top of your serving if you like.