It’s A Fast Food Makeover For This Mac And Cheese!

A few weeks ago, one of my husband’s cute nieces stayed with us for a couple of days. His younger brother and his wife needed to take care of business and there was no kid allowed during the meetings. We call her Munchies. It’s a nickname given by my husband’s other siblings for a reason I didn’t want to ask. Munchies was a really behaved girl. She’s already two years past that age wherein she’s causing trouble to her parents.

There’s only one problem with Munchies: she’s a very picky eater. Her mom had told me her problems with feeding her. She reminds me of my brother when he was a kid; all he ever wanted to eat was meat, meat, and meat.

That’s a bit of a problem because while meat has protein, she needed other nutrients inside her body too. But she only ever ate vegetables in burgers and fruits in pies. She’s not much of a fan of the classic homemade dishes.

This was where this bacon cheeseburger mac and cheese enters the scene. I found this recipe over at The Lazy Mom Cooks. While it’s not as healthy as her mom would have wanted her to eat, it’s a whole lot healthier than fast food.

And Munchies enjoyed the dish; do sis my kids who love their cheese and their meat. I served it with vegetables on the side and she even tried the vegetables. This mac and cheese recipe can do wonders!

Photo and recipe courtesy of The Lazy Mom Cooks.


Quick Tip: You can try this recipe using ham, if you like.