Wander Into The Tasty World Of These Beautiful Butter Cookies!

These beautiful butter cookies are everyone’s favorite. When I first baked these, it wasn’t planned. It was a weekend afternoon bonding with my family. We were in the living room, teaching our sons how to write properly, when my husband exclaimed, “I am craving for butter cookies. Let’s go and buy some.” Knowing my husband’s craving tendencies, he wouldn’t be able to keep still until he got what he wanted, so I agreed. But even before we could dress our kids properly, I remembered this recipe that I have been wanting to try out for a long time. So I stopped him and said, “let me go and try something”. He always knew what I meant about “trying something” so he allowed me. He went back to our kids and played with them while I proceeded to the kitchen.

The butter cookies turned out amazing! A little bit overcooked, yes, and it’s my fault for answering my ringing phone just when I was about to take them off the oven. But they still tasted great! In fact, when my husband started eating them, he couldn’t stop! I felt like he had a hard time controlling himself from snatching the cookies off of our sons’ plates because his was empty. A full copy of this butter cookies recipe by Home Cooking Adventure can be found on the next page. Enjoy eating these wonderful cookies with your family!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Home Cooking Adventure.


Quick Tip: They are great alongside morning tea or coffee or simply as a snack.