I Formed A Truce Through This Egg-Free Chocolate Mousse!

I recently formed a truce with my husband after a small misunderstanding through this egg-free chocolate mousse. Sometimes he really loves to tease me and we always end up frustrated with one another. Just recently, we were talking about a household concern that ended up with us giving each other the silent treatment for the next two hours. We never really had big couple problems. We’re both too good-natured for that. Most of the time it was just about these little things. My mother told me it was normal. I also knew it was normal. She always said that “no fighting” is as bad as “always fighting”. She said that silly little fights strengthen the relationship as long as we as a couple know we’re being silly. And don’t we know it!

I felt a little guilty after a couple of hours though, so I made this chocolate mousse for him. I found him in the bedroom, reading a book, and without a word, I handed him this mug of chocolate mousse. At first I thought he wouldn’t accept it, but that small twist in his lips told me he found it amusing. When he ate it, I knew I was forgiven. And I forgave him too. After that, we were okay again. Chocolate really does wonders to the mood. And of course, there is always the love between couples. And it will always prevail in the end! A copy of this wonderful mousse recipe can be found on the next page. Enjoy the chocolaty goodness of this recipe!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Wonky Wonderful.


Quick Tip: If you don’t own a stand mixer, a hand mixer can be used. Or a plain whisk and some muscle. It just will not be as EASY.