Float On Dessert Clouds With These Root Beer Meringue Cookies!

These root beer meringue cookies excite me as much as books! It means I absolutely adore them because I am a book addict and I adore books! These root beer meringue cookies are so chewy and crunchy at the same time that you will enjoy eating them. You will just keep popping them into your mouth until you realize that you have ran out of cookies. When I first gotten hold of this recipe, I made my family quiet. I served this after dinner. Every Saturday, we always decide to have our movie marathon in the evening. Most of the time, me and my husband will make something for everyone to make movie watching much more enjoyable. This recipe was a surprise for them and boy, were they surprised!


I didn’t expect for these root beer meringue cookies to take the words out of my family. When I placed a plate of these in front of them, my husband stared at them as if they were going to bite him. But then he shrugged and just popped a piece on his mouth while preparing the DVD. I watched his reaction as he started to like what he was eating. I wanted to capture it on camera, but I was too busy being smug. Even my kids were quiet! The two of them were just eating the cookies beside us without any word coming out of their mouths. That night, Mom was the winner! Yes! One point for Mom! Wait, make that two points. One point for wifey and one point for momma!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Shugary Sweets.



Quick Tip: These meringue cookies are perfect as gifts.

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