This Sweet Treat Is So Colorful!

My siblings love when I come over their house.  Want to know why? Well, ever since I got married, I stop by and visit them about once or twice a week (not counting the times I see them at church).  During our times at their house, we will have dance parties, pool parties, movie marathons and bake parties.  We do so many different things that are fun and that we never did before I left so now it is a treat that I go over and do it with them. I love creating fun memories with them.

Some of our favorite things to do is those bake parties I mentioned above. They are full of laughter, flour on our noses and messy counters.  My mom is not always a fan of these, but she lets us do them because she loves seeing us altogether having a fun time.  We recently sat down together with my iPad and created a Pinterest board where we pinned many new recipes to try.  Among those many new ones, this recipe came up.  We thought we would like it so decided to make it before any of the others and boy, were we glad we did!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Inside BruCrew Life.




Quick Tip: Serve these warm with a scoop of ice cream.


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