Every Peanut Butter And Chocolate Lover’s Dream – Chocolate PB Trifle!

Growing up, I always loved the combination of peanut butter and chocolate.  I love Reese’s and everything that had to do with those two flavors.  I used to make my own peanut butter chocolates at home, and I would eat toast lathered in peanut butter with a drizzle of chocolate syrup over the top.  I am telling you, this was my favorite dessert ever! The only problem was, my family did not like it AT ALL.

They are not peanut butter fans, so I was never really able to enjoy them whenever I wanted or experiment with other recipes.

Well, after getting married, I discovered my husband is a huge peanut butter and chocolate fan.  He absolutely loves the combination as much as I do and we often eat Reese’s together at home for dessert.  We also love adding them to milkshakes, or in cookies as well.  I mean, I am telling you, we enjoyed this all the time!

Well, we were getting bored with just those plain recipes, so we decided to kick it up a notch.  We looked up peanut butter and chocolate recipes and got our usual.  But then we added the word “unique” to the search, and this popped up.


Photo and recipe courtesy of How Sweet It Is.




Quick Tip: Make sure brownies are completely cool before making this.