Gimme Some More Of Those S’mores Bar Treats!

There are times when we feel like our lives are too chaotic to even be called a “life if you know what I mean.

Unexpected things happen that seem to throw us all off guard most of the time. There are times when we feel like our lives are one complete mess and that we don’t know how to fix them anymore. We always feel like giving up, but then again, how are we supposed to know what’s in store for us when we are able to fix the gooey mess? We could only keep going so we can find out.

Okay, I made those statements as a reference to this s’mores bar recipe. This is a mixture of all things sinful and good. There’s the gooey and sticky marshmallows, the rich and creamy chocolate and the graham that perfectly balances everything.

Going back to life, if you think about it, just like this s’mores bar recipe, even amidst all the chaos, there’s always something that’s holding everything together. We just need to learn to appreciate the good things that come into our lives even with all the chaos; in that way, we can appreciate even the simplest blessings that we have. You can find the s’mores bar recipe on the next page. Enjoy this delightful gooey mess!




Quick Tip: You can add more chocolate chips if you like.