Sausage And Peppers Together Are Never Too Hot To Handle!

Who doesn’t love sausages? Since all of us in the family are meat lovers, sausages are our favorites. We even have our own favorites. Of course, my husband loves the spicy sausages that burn the mouth. I love my sausages a little spicy too, but not like his. My sons love them plain, but when they accidentally tasted my favorite sausage, they seemed to like it too. They even tolerated the slight spiciness of it. The only sausage we probably don’t favor too much is the canned ones. They just don’t taste like… real sausages to us.

I will never forget Grandma’s sausage recipes. I always say this- she didn’t like using pre-made ingredients so she always made things on her own. Her homemade sausages were one of the best I have ever tasted.

Whenever she visited us, she usually brought a package of these sausages. We would eat them for days and those were really good days. Grandma’s sausages are incomparable up to these days.

This sausage and peppers recipe is a nice and delicious way to make use of your favorite sausages. You may adjust the seasonings based on your preferred taste, but this will still taste good. The combination of flavors in this dish is just too hot to handle!

You can grab a copy of the recipe on the next page.

Photo and recipe courtesy of Cooking With Sugar.


Quick Tip: If you want to serve this over pasta or rice don’t drain off the liquid because it makes a great sauce. If you want to serve this on Italian bread you may want to drain off some of the liquid so it won’t be so wet.