This Is What I Call A Compromise! These Oatmeal Cream Pies Won It Fair And Square!

As a mother, I am sure you all feel the same way. Whenever we serve desserts to our children, we feel torn. One part of us wants to see them happy, enjoying the dessert like they have no worries in the world. But another part of us wants to see them healthy and we just want to control their sugar intake because we know what will happen if it’s not controlled. But there are desserts that we can all a compromise. These oatmeal cream pies recipe is one of those.

My twins love sweet things. I think, no I know, they got that from their father who eats anything that has sugar on it! Well, he actually eats everything, but you know what I mean. I just hope they get his metabolism too so they will stay healthy and fit despite their huge appetites. My Mom always told me that I should let them, for now. Because they are still at that age where nothing would faze them. Still, I feel a bit guilty, which is why I always look for desserts that are a bit healthier than most.

This oatmeal cream pie recipe from Life In The Lofthouse is a blessing. It has oats, which is healthy as we all knew. It’s half of an excuse to allow my sons to eat more than one cookie. I didn’t have to worry about leftovers though. Because the husband is always there to eat whatever pieces that sons couldn’t eat anymore. I think he also balances his sons. A weird thought, but true!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Life In The Lofthouse.



Quick Tip: You can use marshmallow as the center of this cookie, if you like.