“Freshen Up” Your After-Dinner Coffee Bonding With This Mint Chocolate Pudding Pie!

This mint chocolate pudding pie is so out-of-this-world delicious that you and your husband can probably finish this in one sitting! Er… okay, I have to admit that I and my husband were actually able to do that when I made this pudding pie for the family to enjoy, but hey, who’s taking note? I have to admit that I am not a fan of mint and chocolate combination. What I don’t really like is when the mint overpowers the chocolate and the dessert just ends up tasting weird instead of tasting delicious, which a dessert is supposed to be. However, I also admit that when I find a dessert that tastes just like it has the right amount of mint and chocolate, then I will surely get addicted. This is one of those recipes.

I was able to find this while I was looking for a recipe for a dessert that I rarely make. Because we have those days when we want to make something new or at least something that the family is not used to eating. When I came upon this recipe, I told myself, “Why not? I’m a big girl now. I can take the taste of anything”. So I tried making this without the assurance that I will love it or my family. My husband is not really against mint and chocolate combination, but it’s really something that’s not a constant in our dessert table. But then again, this dessert surprised me! My family fell in love with it and just on the first bite! I couldn’t blame them! I felt the same!

Photo and recipe courtesy of This Gal Cooks.


Quick Tip: You can put it in the freezer to enjoy the next day.

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