This No-Bake Snickers Pie And The Lost Shoes

Oh my goodness! Kids are really the best at times. I am not sure how their minds really work, but I swear these kids are gems! One of my nephews, Richard, loves shoes. Since his parents both have stable jobs and earn more than a regular employee, they spoil him with shoes. Every time we meet with them, Richard always has a new one that he shows off to his cousins—my niece and my other nephews. There are times when he becomes too much of a pain in the neck that the others don’t want to play with him anymore.


During last reunion, everyone was surprised that Richard wasn’t wearing his shoes. He was wearing flipflops and looked really sad. When we asked his parents what was wrong, they simply laughed and explained that there was a misunderstanding. My cousin handed me this delicious no-bake snickers pie and told me the story. Richard overheard them planning what to bring over to the reunion. She decided to make a no-bake snickers pie. Richard thought it was “sneakers” and hid all of his shoes so that his parents wouldn’t be able to get any of them. Even though they wouldn’t bake them, “the others would still eat them!” I laughed so hard I almost forgot I was holding the “Sneakers Pie”. Let’s just say Richard’s cousins had a field day.

Photo and recipe courtesy of Confessions of a Confectionista.




Quick Tip: You can get creative with your pie toppings. Add more nuts, drizzle with more syrup, or add marshmallows. It’s your call!

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